Sunday, March 8, 2009

Jihadists in their own words: How Islam will take over the UK

UK jihadist Anjem Choudary describes the ways in which the UK could become a Muslim country, and in doing so makes these ominous statements:
Who else has an ideology...that believes to overthrow any government? Nobody does. The Buddhists don't, the Hindus, Sikhs, nobody...Nobody has this agenda on them, to implement the shari'a and remove regimes. Only the Muslims.


There are three types of Muslims: those who are in prison, those on their way to prison, and those who are not practicing. Really. If you abide by the shari'a in your life, you are in one of those categories, one of the first two. Must be. Otherwise, you're doing something wrong.

Watch it all.

(nothing follows)

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